What’s New In Sprout?
New Sprout Dashboard
Changes to Billing Explanations
Changes To Visit Transport Details
Getting Started
Before You Begin
Account Setup
Sprout FAQ
- How do I set or reset my password?
- Why can't I sign in?
- Why did I get signed out?
- Why am I getting signed out every few minutes?
- Why can't I move a referral request?
- How do I edit a visit report that has already been approved?
Support Center FAQ
Account Management
For Organization Administrators
For Visit Coordinators
Family Time
Referral Requests
- How do I search for a specific referral request by name?
- How do I view the details of a referral request?
- How do I obtain a printable copy of an existing referral request?
- How can I tell when a referral request has been changed?
- How do I move a referral request to a different organization?
- How do I edit or update an existing referral?