Sprout members in your organization can be set as either Registered members or Org Admin members.
Registered members can:
- View your organization's referrals and referral details
- Sort and filter the list of referrals within your organization
- Start a new visit report in your organization's referrals
- View, save, and edit a visit report that is in progress
- Submit a visit report for review
- View a completed visit report
- Review About, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
Org Admin members have the same permissions as Registered members, and can also:
- Edit your organization's details
- Enable & disable an account within your organization
- Set another member in your organization as an Org Admin
- Add a referral and its details (including considerations on staff, scheduling, and transportation)
- Set the state of a referral (including Archived)
- Update a visit report that was submitted for review
- Approve a visit report that was submitted for review
- Delete an existing visit report
- Download formatted forms and history of changes to referrals and visit reports in your organization
- Download a summary of data on visit reports in your organization that can be used for invoices
An Org Admin can view which people in your organization are set as Registered or Org Admin by selecting the “My Organization” option in your "Menu" dropdown, then selecting "Accounts".
Org Admins can then approve/deny account requests, give people Org Admin permissions, disable active accounts, and enable disabled accounts.