Note: This feature is available to users in Visit Coordinator organizations only.
To make changes to an existing referral request, select the “More Details” button on the right side of the referral listing:
You will be redirected to the referral summary screen, where you can select the “Edit …” link at the top of the specific section you would like to change (e.g. “Edit Basic Details” or “Edit Schedule”):
Navigate to a different section of the referral by selecting the appropriate tab:
When you are done making changes to a section, click the green "Next" button at the bottom of the page to move to the next section of the referral, or click "Done" in the upper right corner to return to the referral summary page.
From the summary screen, you can choose to make more edits to the referral or you can return to the full list of referrals by selecting the “X” button in the top right corner of the window: